We've loved hearing the eco holiday adventures and the stories been shared between tamariki. Skylar shared her photos taken on her whanau holiday in Perth. Send in your holiday photos to let the holiday reminiscing & convos continue.
Waitangi Day
In preparation of Waitangi Day next week nga tamariki have been practicing waiata New Zealand National Anthem. We honour Te Titiri O Waitangi & celebrate NZ's biculturalism by proudly singing our National Anthem & holding our love for our place in our hearts. Check out your Facebook invite to celebrate Waitangi Day with us next week.

Take a closer look, what do you see!?
Nga tamariki have shared their observations with each other, taking special notice of the holes disappearing in the leaves & growing size of the caterpillars. Tamariki voiced their concerns that the caterpillars would soon run out of leaves to eat as they counted 8 hungry caterpillars munching away. Elle came to our tiny friends rescue by bringing in more swan plants! We wonder if there are enough leaves for ALL of the caterpillars to keep growing...and what will become of these caterpillars?
Hmmm does this tree look familiar!?
As nga tamariki investigated the dead tree outside, they began to recall the familiarity of the leaves, height & appearance...it was our old 'Wonder Tree!' Nga tamariki began to search the soil, feeling the earthy soil between their fingers when our most curious rabbit, Rupert, started digging away at the soil too!! What was Rupert doing!?
"Rupert's eating the roots!" Pippa stated.
"Plants need roots so they can stay up" Emily
"Hey, we have soil like this at home by the back garden." Ella
"Maybe these are apple seeds" Finn
"Money doesn't grow on trees!" Alex
Where have the trees gone?
A massive shout out to Billy Roskam for removing the trees behind the fort. Unfortunately these trees were growing & leaning on the back fence & fort, so they had to go! Hunter, Alex, Jussi & Charlie announced their discovery to everyone on Friday "where have the trees gone!?" Nga tamariki shared their ideas with the group while Hunter Roskam proudly announced his Dad had cut them down with his chainsaw! And not forgetting to mention to everyone the tractor he rode home in with Dad after the job was done.
Taiao Tuhura Forest Kindy
Clare joined the Kaitiakitangi Group on their first day back at Forest Kindy for 2019. Exploring the Reserve it was discovered that the Dragon's Nest was gone!! "Disappointment" Charlie best described it as, what had happened!? "Maybe the Dragon blew fire on it, because he wanted a new nest!? Jussi wondered. An even more concerning discovery was finding there was NO water in the stream! As Kaitiakitangi we'll need to investigate what has happened & how we can help.
On Thursday we welcomed Raewyn back from Winton Library. Taking a break from the heat, everyone gathered round inside, in the cool aircon, and listened to stories of rain. We're sure Raewyn's rain stories bought on the Friday morning rain! Stay tuned for photos of our Thursday sprinkler fun on Facebook.
The Teaching Team
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