Friday, August 16, 2019

Term 3 Week 4

Haere mai, welcome to Gavin & Joesuf who joined the Taiao Tuhura Group this week! Blaire & Hayley led us on a path to find the 'Love Heart' tree, along the way we discovered a NEW 'Monkey Tree!!' After our climbing monkeys had some kai we went to visit our Taki Waka. Hayley was most eager to share the Legend of the Takitimu Mountains with her Nana, who was visiting from Christchuch. Next, The 'Monster Truck Track' made for great rally driving!! Finishing our day we had Peter from the Lions Club install our much anticipated lock-box & were gifted the padlock & keys!! 

Polyfest Art Awards

Over this term we have been busy as a Kindy Whanau working on our Polyfest Art project 'To Matou Ara O Raranga' This mahi has had many dedicated to its creation including our tamariki, our parents, grandparents, siblings, our kaiako, our Student Volunteer Army, the Kaiako, Winton Floral Art Club and last but not at all least Matua Elysia. 
This project is soo much more than the finished project; it is all the learning and connections made through this journey. These efforts awarded us the Culture and Heritage Award presented by Miharo on Friday night.

         'This award is for a creation that includes the use of traditional materials or processes. This could be traditional tools or methods. . . . It could be about passing on heritage practices'

 A BIG thank you for those whanau and kaiako who travelled out!! Don't forget to check out our documentation which goes along with our art piece, it's full of the learning processes we took as we went on this weaving pathway.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standingKapa Haka 

Our Kapa Haka practice has continued to flourish this week. The tamariki have been loving sharing our waiata with their whanau and 'special people' each afternoon at home time. Don't they sound amazing!!
We have recently chosen four kaiarahi to lead us in our waiata on the 27th of August on the big stage Michaela, Sophie E, Ella and Jomae. We have been loving having these tamariki infront reflecting loads of pride and mana as they set the scene for each waiata.

Don't forget to practice at home! 

Coming Up..
We have the Winton Spring Flower Show & Art Exhibition. This is a Winton Kindy tradition and a wonderful opportunity for us to get involved in our community and show off some beautiful artwork created by out tamariki. This year the 'Group Project' theme is 'Kiwi in natural environment. If you have any information, skills, ideas, resources to share let us know!! Have a look at the brochure, there might be something else you or your child/ren can enter. Show begins Friday 27th of September

Image result for Kiwi

Have a great weekend!!
Your Winton Kindy Teaching Team


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